Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Welcome to Flowers and Sammiches!

So after weeks of threatening to start a blog, here it is.

Our kitchen has really nice lighting in the daytime and we have reasonably pretty dishes, so a sandwich I made one day begged to be photographed. Then another did. And another. Which were posted on Facebook. I kept posting them on occasion, always waiting for someone to complain, "Will you stop posting those stupid sandwich pictures?" But the complaints never came and instead people seemed to like them.

The flowers part of things is easier to explain. This is ostensibly more of a gardening blog than a foodie blog. I've been working on boats for most of the last 4 years and before that I was living in NYC and didn't have a yard. Now I'm in Athens, GA and have a little yard which I'm trying to fill to the brim with flowers and interesting plants. I've always been something of an archivist and this seems the simplest way to record this experiment in growing fabulous things. Expect some pictures, some how-to's, and random commentary. I hope to get some feedback from you, the reader, as well.

I was snagging on the name for a while. After much discussion on FB, I went the simple route. Now I'm dealing with trying to tweak the overall look of the blog. Expect changes as the days go by. I'm going back and reposting some of the garden and sandwich pics here that were already posted on FB. Those will be back dated, so don't be surprised if posts seem to be growing backwards for a short while.

1 comment:

  1. my two cents: The background picture is distracting. Use lots of pictures all over the blog, but leave the background simple.
